A day in the life

What an exciting day for me.  I got most of the tweaks worked out on my site, so I am going to celebrate.  I am also now asking that if you read this you subscribe to my blog.  You will be helping me out by reading and commenting on my post as well as my book.  If there are any topics you would like me to cover I would be more then happy to do so as long as I have the right information.

Now in case you were wondering why I picked Brain Implosion as my domain, it is really very simple.  I have one of those minds that never wants to shut down.  Curiosity always has been my main push. There are days when my mind just feels like it is full, what I like to call full brain overload.  Well my brain exploding sounds way to messy, so I decided my brain is actually imploding.  I know I have a warped sense of humor but that is how the name came about.

I always like to add to my titles of things I know how to do.  Every time something breaks down in the house, which lately is a lot, I fix it.  Even if I don’t have a clue I research it and I do it.  Today for example I fixed our washing machine.

Last Thursday, I was doing wash and went into the kitchen to clean it.  After about 20 minutes I decided to check up on the laundry only to walk into a flooded hallway.  After many curse words flowed out of my mouth I got down to the nitty-gritty job of getting all that water out of my house.  Thank god for the shop vac which is a wet/dry vacuum.  If it were not for that I might still be ringing out a rag into a bucket.

Anyway after over two hours of cleaning up the water I got my tools out and proceeded to take the washing machine apart.  Now this I had done several other times when the machine would not go into spin cycle.  I figure the problem is the little hose that connects to the tub of the washer is clogged, because that is its usual problem.  Well it was clogged.  I cleaned it all out and then proceeded to turn the washer on.  Uh oh the water looks to be getting awful high.  Shit, now its near the top.  So I shut it off and hit the drain and spin button.  (big sigh) To my relief the water starts  emptying out and when its empty the spin cycle kicks in.

Now this is a whole new problem for me.  Luckily we live in the age of technology, for as many times as I curse it there is always a good use for it.  YouTube, oh yes that is always the ticket.  No matter what happens someone has had it happen to them and decided they would share that information with us poor folks, who cannot call a repairman every time something goes wrong.  Forgive me I ramble a lot, it come’s from talking to my birds all day.  Any who I get on to YouTube and type in my problem and just as easy as that fifty some odd videos show up.  After watching several videos I decide to do the test that they tell me to, to narrow it down to one item.  Success, it was the water flow sensor switch that was bad.  Now in case you don’t know what that is, it is a round plastic switch that connects the vacuum hose to the washer tub.  So $100 dollars poorer I finally found the part and had it shipped.  It came in today and now I can add washer repair to my ever extending resume.  Mind you a repairman would have cost me $100 just to come out.  Add on labor and double the price of the part and you can see I saved over $400.

You see here in Quantum Planet everything is possible and my resume is becoming very impressive.

Oh and just a little side note, the washing machine my builder’s installed was discontinued that same year. Gee I wonder why?

First Sneak Peek of Book

Hello all and welcome to Quantum Planet.

We have the first sneak peek available on our Preview page.  I hope this will give you a good insight to my book.  As the weeks roll along I plan on adding more information about the book and am hoping for feedback.  This feedback will help me tweak the story so that by time it is published you will be seriously hooked.

Welcome Aboard

Finally my first post.  So first of all let me welcome you to Quantum Planet.

Desert Life for Me

Living in the desert is a humbling experience.  So much open space, it’s like entering a new planet all on it’s own.  We first moved here in 2006.  We are surrounded by a 360 degree view of mountains.  The desert is a place that will take your breath away.  Most people who have not lived in this desert might picture it as a land barren of life and nothing but sand to see for miles and miles.  This is so far from true.  There is so much life in the desert.  Flora and Fauna that is my desert.

We have lots of plant life here and if you come in the spring the wildflowers are just waiting to be admired.  Trees, flIMG_4805owers, cactus are plentiful and come in so many varieties it would take me a whole book just to name all the varieties that can be found.   My yard is collection of so many different cactus, each and everyone beautiful but at the same time dangerous.  If you have ever mistakenly touched a cactus you know what I mean by dangerous.  My wife Denise, had the misfortune of finding this out the hard way.  She was weeding the yard out front and was gathering up the debris, in the debris there was a Cholla cactus that had fallen off the main plant.  We had to use pliers to remove the cactus and barbs from her hand.  Some cactus flower every year, while some do not flower for ten years.  It’s always fun in the spring seeing which ones will blossom.

The deserts Fauna is another unique experience.  Right in my own yard I get to see a huge variety.  We have five different species of hummingbirds year round and sometimes we get some migrating varieties.  Because we live in a migrating path the birds that come to our yard are always fascinating.  We have house finches, mockingbirds, wrens, orioles, mourning doves, black phoebe and roadrunners, and that’s only the one’s I can think of at the moment.  Trust me when I say there are many more then even I can remember.  I will be adding some of the pictures I have taken into my gallery.

Besides birds we also have a good variety of lizards and this year we have had the pleasure of having a male and female blue spiny lizard gracing our back wall.  A number of different animals have ended up in our house, compliments of our cats.  Don’t worry our cats love bringing them in alive so they can watch us run around the house trying to catch the critters.  Kangaroo rats are one of there favorites to bring in.  We have seen coyotes, jack rabbits, big horn sheep, just to name a few.  There are also rattlesnakes, desert tortoise and many more that would also take a book to name.  We even have a place called The Living Desert that house’s many of these animals and many more that come from Africa since our climate is very much like the deserts there.

Another reason we love this area is the concerts.  We have many casino’s and with them comes a lot of great entertainment.  There is nothing better then a concert outdoors with the mountains as a backdrop.  There are also, as of this year, three major concert events.  First, two weekends of Coachella Fest, followed by Stagecoach and new this year in October, Desert Trip which will be two weekends with classic rock legends.  Oh anyone reading this that have tickets they would like to give away, I am free those weekends.  Though that was worth a mention since the tickets for both weekends sold out as fast as they went on sale.

Well I hope you found my first post a little informative, it just gives you an idea of what is like to live in the desert.